Welcome to the New Dartmouth
Class of 1968 Website

You will seamlessly move between the new and the old sites. The home page has many new features, including the sidebar you see on the right. I’ve placed the main menu at the top of the page. In addition, the menu on the home page and major section pages will function like an abbreviated site guide; each selection on the dropdown below the main menu item will tell you a little about what you’ll get when you make a selection.

Your feedback is welcome. Please email the webmaster.

The Class of 1968 and our Arts Legacy Committee have lost one of our most steadfast and loyal members, with the death on January 28 of Ron Weiss.  Among so many other of his active contributions, Ron cared deeply for the arts, at Dartmouth and in his hometown region of Springfield, MA and beyond. Several Committee members have established a fund that will match any donation you make between now and June 30, 2025. You can learn more about the Class of 1968 Arts Legacy Fund on the Class Projects Page and about the Arts Legacy matching fund.

Take a Tour of the New Hop
Be sure to use the fullscreen icon (lower left) on the playback page

Class News and Announcements

The Future of the Arts at Dartmouth

Before a star-studded crowd of more than 275 alumni, trustees, and friends of the arts at Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall in New York City on Wednesday, President Sian Leah Beilock announced the largest gift dedicated to the arts in Dartmouth’s history. Read more about Daryl Roth and Steven Roth’s ’62, Tuck ’63 $25 million gift to the arts at Dartmouth. Also note the dedication of the Class of 1968 to the arts at Dartmouth through its Arts Legacy Fund.

Class of 1968 Directory – New in 2023

Our class Directory was updated just prior to the 55th Reunion. If you would like a copy in PDF format, contact the Webmaster.

Upcoming Mini Reunion Announcements

Events in planning stages. More information.

Class of ’68 on Social Media

If you’d like to comment on or ask questions about the new home page or changes to the old website and the manner in which the two interoperate, please contact the webmaster.