Project Green Light was conceived by our Arts Legacy Committee member Don Marcus. The objective is to support talented undergraduate artists by providing upfront funds to underwrite the costs of new or in-progress work. The selection process will show preference for projects characterized by innovation, imagination, and cultural relevance. Risk taking is encouraged, as is the ability to think independently. Submission to PGL would also be open to collective projects devised by multiple student-artists.
The cost will total $25,000 over a 5-year period at $5000 per year. After two years, there will be an opt-out window for both the College and the Class.
The Studio Arts Department will be the recipient of Project Green Light’s $5000 student grant. The department is expected to announce the grant to students on October 15, 2024. Students will have 3 months in which to prepare a proposal. The grant will be awarded the following month.