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Book Arts Workshop - Wood Type

About the Book Arts Workshop

The Book Arts Workshop Studios are located in Baker Library, Rooms 21-25 (west entrance, lower level, around the corner from the Orozco murals). The Bindery Studio is in Baker Room 21 and the Letterpress Studio is in Baker Room 23. Room 25 (also known as the “Ampersand Room”) is a resource room with books on books, computer, printers and a door to the Book Arts Workshop Program Manager’s office.


Explore and learn about the world of books through historical and contemporary mediums, including letterpress printing, hand-bookbinding, and digital or analog illustration and design!


From creating sturdy journals or pop-up books to printing images from low-relief objects, you’ll have access to the Workshop’s bindery, presses, and wide selection of metal and wood typefaces to bring your project to life. Learn more about the Books Arts Workshop on the Book Arts webpage and on the Instagram page.


See all the Dartmouth courses working with Wood Type in the Books Arts Workshop – guaranteed you’ll be surprised!

Wood case housing the wood types purchased using funds provided by the Class of 1968 Arts Legacy Project and photos of projects using those wood types

Cabinet hold wood type
Wood Type Cabinet

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